Vote Absentee by Mail starting September 22.
Find out how you can cast your ballot here.
Vote Early in Person starting September 22,
Mon-Fri, 7:30am-4pm. (Non-Minnetonka Residents).
Minnetonka Residents - Mtka City Hall, 8:30am -4pm
Vote on Election Day - November 7, from 7am - 8pm. Find your Polling Place here.
May 26, 2023
Dan Ginestra announces candidacy for Wayzata School Board, details priorities
Dan announced his bid for the November, 2023 Election. In a statement, he said he will be focusing on school infrastructure, nutrition, and students' physical and mental health.
September 21, 2023
Ginestra attends League of Women Voters
Candidate Conversations
Dan responded to questions submitted by parents and members of the community. In a post to Facebook, he wrote, "Thank you so much to everyone who came out for the League of Women Voters Candidate Conversations! We had a wide ranging discussion about our values, principles, and priorities for the District. My gratitude to the League and its volunteers for hosting such an excellent event!"
July 13, 2023
Ginestra attends Maple Grove Days Parade, greets citizens, community leaders
Dan posted to Facebook, "What an amazing Maple Grove Days Parade! Thank you so much to everyone who came out for candy, bubbles, and high-fives!"
September 23, 2023
Dan marches in Plymouth on Parade with friends across the community
Dan attended Plymouth's annual parade on a balmy Saturday morning. He was joined by friends and family as they chanted and cheered. His campaign wrote, "What a wonderful Plymouth on Parade! Thank you so much to everyone who marched + and showed their support! Whether you lined the streets, handed out candy, or waved signs, you all had amazing energy and enthusiasm!! Onward!"